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Tarla Dalal Exotic Diabetic Cooking Cookbook


     While it is important for diabetics to control their diet to maintain healthy blood glucose levels, this certainly does not mean that one should feel guilty at the very thought of exotic food, traditional treats or international delicacies.

If you have been living on a boring and bland diet, and a secret craving for tastier food, this book is here to pepper your diet with satiating, mouthwatering recipes from various cuisines, and wheel your life back to a fun-filled, or should I say "food-filled" track! "Exotic Diabetic Cooking" is a cookbook that shows you how to prepare diabetic-friendly versions of luscious, exotic foods such as Vegetable Tortilla Soup, Antipasto Duo, Phadthai Noodles, Momos, Dates and Apple Kheer, etc, in your own home.

This cluster of 55 interesting, easy-to-make and nutritious recipes (with images) from 8 different cuisines viz. Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Thai, Italian and Continental, is sure to make the task of cooking as delightful as the resulting food, which is so delicious that non-diabetic members of the family will also enjoy it, thus doing away with the need to prepare 'special' food for a diabetic person!

Happy and healthy cooking!

Pages : 95
Recipes : 55
Pages in colour :55
Price : Rs.250

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