Lemon Pickle

Lemon Pickle

Difficulty Cost

Category:  Vegetarian Pickles  -  Author:
Rating  5.00/5


For 1 people ()

  • 6 Lemons
  • Nutrition facts


    Lemon Pickle Directions

    1. 6 Lemons (Cut in 8 pcs , washed , de-seeded )
    2. 6 Tblspns Salt
    3.  1/2 L (500ml) Malt/White Vinegar
    4. 1/2 Kg Jaggery
    5.  1/2 Tsp turmeric
    6. 1 Tsp Red chilly powder
    7. 3-4 Green chillies ( Slit )
    8. 1/2 Tsp Garam Masala
    9. 10-12 Dates ( Optional , de-seeded , washed )
      1. Add cut lemons into a glass bottle. Add salt and cover with lid to make sure the bottle is air tight. Keep in sunlight for 7 days, shaking everyday.
      2. Melt the jaggery and vinegar in saucepan over medium heat, until the mixture has dissolved completely.
      3. Strain the mixture with a muslin cloth.
        Put the lime and salt mixture and bring to a boil. 
      4. Add turmeric, red chilly powder, green chillies , garam masala and dates.
      5. Stir well. Bottle the mixture and leave for 15-20 days before using.
