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Kiran provision
I've been a customer at Kirans provision store for quite a long period of time and I don't remember getting any expired food, however they may misplace/forget to add the item in the order but I always receives it as soon as possible which is pretty good in my point of view . There customer service is really good too and are really polite. If by any chance if there is a problem in the order, I will just have to make a call and they will fix it.

Best avoided if you value your health
We ordered a bunch of stuff from Kiran store and had amongst the worst shoping experiences ever!!!
a) Some of the food stuff was old and expired (they had cleverly stuck fake labels with new expiry dates on top of original ones)!!! A packet of Suji actually had live insects inside!
b) A bottle of honey that they sent had a "NOT FOR SALE" label on it! They are obviously procuring atleast some of the goods by dubious means
c) Unless you exact brand that you want (eg maggi sauce) and make sure you repeat it enough times, they will send you the most random brand from their stock which probably noone buys
d)The service is pathetically bad! The delivery man as well as the lady who picks up the phone are extremely rude and refuse to take the defective stuff back (or even commit that they will ensure that they dont send expired food in future). They will shout at you and overall make you curse yourself for buying anything from them.

Overall as i said in the title - Best avoided!

never buy from kiran stores...
Since the time I came to hong kong I started buying from kiran stores seeing ppl's recommendations on the net but with my almost every order I have faced some or the other difficulty..
1) one they sent a pack of papads which had already expired and it consisted small insects too... so I had to call up the lady @ kiran stores and ask her to replace the packet or refund the money... the lady simply said yes we will replace it when the order comes in my area next time or when I order from her again... which was very unreasonable! finally she replaced it after a week for which almost everyday I had to call up and remind them...
2) once they sent the incomplete order and charged the money for the goods NOT SENT and specially even if u want to check the order the delivery man is always in a hurry wherein u cannot check thru the list n expiry dates completely..later on when i called them at the shop they started blaming me to steal the goods, how cheap can someone really be! for the sake of HKD 15.00 they lost a customer like me who wuld make the bill amount of HKD 600.00 in a month... so they don't know that "CUSTOMER IS A KING".. god knows which era are they doing their business...
3) once they did not send my order on Saturday even after promising they would... and did not even bother to inform me, inspite of me telling them that I will be waiting for the order on Saturday afternoon... they spoiled my weekend + i got nothing in return too...
So many more EXAMPLES I can just go on writing.. so if you want to order from this Kiran stores.. be very careful and order @ ur own risk.... won't ever suggest this shop to anyone... who doesn't know how to deal with their customers... actually these ppl lack in ethics.. can't expect much from them!

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