
Free Indian Restaurant and Grocery Store Listing


Indian Foods Guide is a brand new site dedicated to Indian Food. We have a large collection of Indian Grocery Stores, Indian Restaurants, Indian Recipes, Indian Food Blogs, Indian Cooking videos and articles centered around Indian cooking. This site is getting popular with each passing day and we are constantly striving to add new listings and new content. 

We have over 3000 grocery stores in 25 countries, 18,000 restaurants around the world and our database is constantly growing. We all almost about to hit 10,000 Likes on our Facebook page as well. 

If you own an Indian Restaurant, an Indian Grocery Store or a blog related to Indian food, you are entitled to your own free listing on this website. Think of this as a free ad for you. You have the following options for registering your site


1. Registered Listing - If you register on this site, you can submit your entries, add images and make changes all on your own.

2. Unregistered Listing - You can submit your listing but you cannot edit it.

3. Claim Your Site - If you site or business is already listed, you can claim your site. Once you place a claim for your site, our administrator will get back to you within 48 hours and you can then own the listing. 

How do I get Started

1. Pick your business/listing area from one of the 6 options below

     Indian Restaurant

     Indian Grocery Store

    Indian Food Blog

    Indian Bakeries and Sweet Stores

    Indian Food Exporters

    Indian Food Importers

2. Navigate to the category where your listing should be added. If your category is not present, please add a note in the description section of where you think it belongs and we will add the new category.

3. Submit your listing or claim your listing.

4. Your site will be approved or rejected within 1 week of submission.

5. Contact us in case you have any questions.  

Featured Listing

If you would like to be listed as a featured listing on our home page, please contact us. This is a free service but you will have to provide us with some information, photos etc.